A fibroid destroys her life
Fibroids are the most common tumors of the female reproductive system. More than 99 % of these fibroids are benign; which means that they are non-cancerous but must be dealt with and not ignored, to control their symptoms and prevent complications.
Most uterine tumors are benign, but they can range in size, from the size of a pea to the size of a watermelon, and this huge size is what I was experiencing. Fibroids can cause many symptoms, including:
- Heavy and continuous menstrual bleeding, sometimes accompanied by clots.
- Anemia, which causes a decrease in red blood cell count and, consequently, fatigue and exhaustion most of the time.
- Pelvic pain or pressure and feeling heavy.
- Pressure on the bladder, resulting in frequent urination.
- Back and leg pain.
- Pain during sexual intercourse.
- Constipation and bloating.
- Infertility caused by an abnormality of the endometrium.
- Abnormally enlarged lower abdomen.
The fibroids were discovered through my complaints of some of the previous symptoms. Also, I had to confirm the diagnosis of fibroids and determine their size and location through several examinations. These tests included:
- Ultrasound imaging.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
- Computed tomography (CT).
There are many therapeutic options. Treatments can range from observing and monitoring the tumor progression to its removal. Some doctors may even remove the uterus. The treatment plan varies according to the patient's age, symptoms, previous treatments, and desire to have children.
The most important advice I would like to give to all patients with fibroids is to choose the most skilled doctor to consult. I have suffered greatly because of the choice of an unskilled doctor who directed me to an inappropriate treatment plan. As a result, my condition deteriorated, and treatment became almost impossible.
I experienced inappropriate treatment before consulting Dr. Ahmed Marzouk:
I experienced an inappropriate treatment for my condition, which is interventional radiology (embolization), which proved to be unsuccessful in my case and many other cases, but I did not know this information until it was too late.
Embolization caused the tumor to transform from a solid tumor that is easy to remove into a very soft tumor that penetrated the tissues. The pain worsened, and instead of ending this disturbing nightmare, it continued, and the tumor reached 8 kilograms. I started to get frustrated, and I postponed the idea of marriage so much that I wouldn't darken someone with me, and I didn't know the end of what I was going through.
Dr. Ahmed Marzouk successfully removed a tumor:
With my continuous research, I began to see a glimmer of hope as I was encouraged when I saw cases similar to mine cured completely by Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, a consultant in obstetrics and gynecology, and even more difficult ones. I followed their videos on Dr. Ahmed Marzouk 's social media sites.
I went to Dr. Ahmed Marzouk's clinic and told him that I only wanted a life without pain and that I could have a family and become a mother. Indeed, I had a successful surgery, and the uterus was preserved to fulfill my dream of having children.
The fibroid almost ruined my life and prevented me from marrying until the age of 40 because of my fear of a hysterectomy. Therefore, I hope that you do not postpone the decision about the surgery so that you do not give the tumor, whatever its type, size, or location, an opportunity to control your life. You do not have to face your problem alone, but consult the best doctor, Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology.