Extracting a 14-kilograms fibroid during pregnancy while preserving the fetus and the uterus
“ It was my first pregnancy, and I got pregnant right after marriage like many. My husband and I were overjoyed when we received the news of my pregnancy and confirmed from the laboratory that the test was positive. However, our joy soon dissipated when I began to feel severe pain and noticed that my abdomen was increasing in size at a speed that was not commensurate with my pregnancy months. Everyone who saw me thought I was in my last trimester while I was beginning the first”. That’s how the story of this rare and huge fibroid all started!
Fibroid discovery and shocking solutions:
“ We started a journey of examinations and tests with more than one doctor until we discovered a large fibroid in my uterus, which was increasing in size at a terrifying rate. The doctors advised me that the only way to save my life from this fibroid was immediate termination of the pregnancy. Not just that. They were assuming that I would end up with a hysterectomy because they thought the fibroid was malignant. I was so depressed. I could not find any way out, and I saw my joy dying with my hope for a small family and living a natural and quiet life. I thought I would never be a mother..”
When I consulted multiple doctors, they had varying opinions about whether to perform an emergency hysterectomy along with the removal of the fetus or postpone the procedure after the miscarriage, but they agreed on one thing which is the occurance of this sooner or later.
Within a few days, the fibroid reached 30 cm in size, and I still could not make up my mind.
How can I choose between these two options when both result in giving up on my dream of motherhood forever?” That’s how mentally destroyed she was when she came to visit Dr. Ahmed Marzouk the first time.
Consultation of Dr. Ahmed Marzouk:
“ I kept searching until I heard about Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, and his reputation with multiple cases of complex fibroids.
So I decided to consult him immediately and came from a faraway governorate since I was not a Cairo resident. I was suffering from terrible frustration and extreme panic; because he was my last resort.
Thankfully, Dr. Ahmed Marzouk made a quick and firm decision to remove the fibroid as soon as possible while I was pregnant because every day that goes by increases the risk to both the fetus and me.
Also, he promised me that he and his medical team would do everything possible to preserve the fetus despite the danger of the surgery. He clarified that this surgery has not been performed before in the world because all similar cases are dealt with in the easiest way, which is a complete hysterectomy. But he assured me and gave me hope..”
Fibroidectomy with keeping the embryo:
The fibroid was growing by 2 cm every day; and that’s what made the other doctors she visited avoid this type of surgery.
As for Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, he scheduled the surgery after conducting the necessary analyses and scans.
The hospital was well equipped to receive such a case along with Dr. Ahmed Marzouk’s highly qualified medical staff.
After about 4 hours in the operating room, due to the complex fibroid and the presence of severe adhesions between the fibroid, the uterus, the abdominal wall, and the intestines, the fibroid was successfully extracted while preserving the uterus and fetus.
The fetus was inside the uterus, a few centimeters away from Dr. Ahmed Marzouk's hands and the scalpel, but with his distinguished skill, he removed the fibroid without harming the fetus.
Some facts to consider: This fibroid is the largest in the world to be extracted from a pregnant woman while preserving the uterus and the fetus. After pathology of the fibroid, it turned out to be a very rare benign type.

The pregnancy was completed until the ninth month, and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
“Today, I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, who did this miracle, for the first time in the world.”