Complex Fibroid Extractions

Extraction of complex fibroids while preserving the uterus is the best therapeutic option for women who experience fibroid pain and symptoms and wish to have children in the future.
Fibroids are tissues inside a woman's uterus that are benign in most cases, which means it is non-cancerous. Fibroids vary in size, ranging from as small as a pea to as large as a watermelon. These fibroids can appear as one or more growing inside the uterine muscle.
These fibroids do not cause life-threatening complications but may cause infertility, heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual pain, frequent urination, urinary urgency, lower back pain, and constipation. Symptoms vary in type and severity, depending on the size and location of the fibroids.
What causes fibroids?
Doctors and researchers don't know the causes of the development of fibroids. However, evidence suggests that the female hormones estrogen and progesterone can cause fibroids to grow. During pregnancy, when hormone levels are high, fibroids tend to increase in size. After menopause, when levels of these hormones are low, fibroids stop growing and may become smaller.
Who are the groups that suffer from fibroids?
Fibroids are very common. About 20-50 % of all women suffer from these non-cancerous growths. Fibroids are most likely to affect women in their 30s and 40s. Many women with fibroids have other female relatives in the same family who also have fibroids.
What is the effect of complex fibroids during pregnancy?
In cases where fibroids are present in conjunction with pregnancy, there may be problems with the embryo's development or difficulties during childbirth. Women with fibroids may experience abdominal pain during pregnancy, and the risk of premature birth increases. The fibroid can also cause placental detachment and growth restriction in the fetus.
What happens to fibroids over time?
Some fibroids grow excessively during the childbearing years, which poses a risk to pregnancy and the mother's health. Others remain the same size for many years. Almost all fibroids stop growing after menopause. Women with fibroids should seek evaluation from Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, Consultant obstetrician and gynecologist.

What is the extraction extraction of fibroids?
No two women are alike in the details of their fibroids. Management methods depend on the severity of the symptoms and the size, number, and location of the fibroids. The woman's preference and desire for future childbearing are also taken into account.
Fibroidectomy is a very effective surgical procedure that involves making an incision in the lower abdomen, known as "bikini cutting," removing the fibroids from the uterine wall and leaving the uterus and cervix in place. The uterine muscle is then sewn together using several layers of sutures. The patient is asleep during the surgery.
How do you prepare for the extraction of complex fibroids?
• Before surgery, Dr. Ahmed Marzouk will discuss all the details and tips before and after surgery.
• Surgical tests are performed at least 3 days before the surgery to ensure the stability of the patient's general health condition.
• Stopping some medications before surgery, the most important of which are blood thinners such as aspirin.
• Smoking can affect surgery and recovery. Female smokers face breathing difficulties during surgery, and tend to recover more slowly after surgery. If you are a smoker, it is best to stop smoking 6–8 weeks before surgery.
What can I expect during the surgery?
In the operating room, you will be given a general anesthetic. Once the surgery begins, Dr. Ahmed Marzouk will identify and remove the fibroid or complex fibroids. When the surgery is complete, the incision will be closed, and a bandage will be placed over the incision.

Why is fibroid extraction necessary?
Most fibroids, even large ones, don't cause symptoms. But despite this, women must seek medical attention so that these fibroids do not increase or complicate; which makes it difficult to deal with and increases the seriousness of the situation. Rapid treatment is the most important advice that Dr. Ahmed Marzouk recommends to patients with fibroids.
Is it possible to get pregnant after the extraction of multiple fibroids?
Many cases have shown that it is possible to conceive and have a healthy baby after undergoing this surgery. There are even chances for women over 40 to become pregnant after fibroid extraction. It has also been observed that women with fibroids experience a successful pregnancy after fibroid extraction, as symptoms disappear 2-3 months after surgery and the menstrual cycle resumes as usual; so a normal pregnancy is expected. Since fibroids are the main obstacle to pregnancy, removing them can increase the chances of getting pregnant.
What is the difference between fibroid extraction and a hysterectomy?
Fibroidectomy only removes fibroids, leaving the uterus in place; thus allowing future pregnancies. The menstrual cycle will return at normal rates and times. On the contrary, a hysterectomy leaves no hope for future pregnancy and ends the woman's fertility and reproductive ability.
What are the benefits of removing complex fibroids?
The most important feature of fibroid extraction is getting rid of fibroid symptoms, such as:
• Heavy vaginal bleeding due to fibroids.
• Urinary tract or bowel problems related to fibroids.
• Pelvic pain associated with fibroids.
• Infertility associated with fibroids.
What are the risks of complex fibroid extraction?
Like any surgical procedure, fibroid extraction involves some risks, although they are rare, especially with the selection of an experienced and knowledgeable doctor like Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology. About 5% of women develop an infection after surgery. Infections are treated at home with antibiotics for up to 5 days, but the infections require frequent visits to the doctor's clinic for up to 6 weeks.
What are the features of the recovery period after the extraction of fibroids?
These tips give you a general idea of how long it will take to recover, which differs from one woman to another. Follow these steps to get better as soon as possible.
• Rest when you feel tired. Getting enough sleep will help you recover.
• Try to walk every day. Start walking a little more than you did the day before. Walking promotes blood flow and helps prevent pneumonia and constipation.
• Don't lift anything heavy during recovery to give the surgical incision and your abdominal muscles time to heal.
• Avoid strenuous activities such as running and weight lifting for 4 to 6 weeks.
• You can eat your normal diet and drink plenty of fluids.
• If you are taking aspirin or some other blood thinners, ask your doctor when to resume taking them.
• Take painkillers exactly as directed by Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, Consultant of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
• If Dr. Ahmed Marzouk prescribes antibiotics, take them as directed, and do not stop taking them just because you feel better. You must take the full course of antibiotics.
You can speak with Dr. Ahmed Marzouk if you want to try to conceive soon, as he is the best one to tell you when it is safe. If you don't want to get pregnant, consult him about available birth control methods.
Video call service with Dr. Ahmed Marzouk:
Dr. Ahmed Marzouk is distinguished by offering a video call service for fibroid cases that cannot come to the clinic but need his expertise in treating these complex fibroid cases. Through the video call, all examinations and x-rays are viewed, to reach an accurate diagnosis and determine appropriate ways to deal with the situation.
Fibroid extraction is the best way to treat complex uterine fibroids for all women who want to preserve their fertility with the best doctor in this field, Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, Consultant of Obstetrics and Gynecology.