Genital plastic surgery

As women age and go through certain stages in their lives, it is fairly typical for many to experience changes in their bodies, including the vaginal area; so many women may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with changes in the appearance and feel of this area. Changes in the vaginal area can be due to many factors, such as pregnancy, childbirth, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process. Dissatisfied women with these changes frequently seek plastic surgery on the genitals.
Genital plastic surgery can cover a variety of procedures that help tighten the vagina to treat its enlargement and reshape the outer area. Also, vaginal rejuvenation means the correction of common medical as well as cosmetic problems. Therefore, we will list the most important aspects of genital plastic surgery and vaginal repair in the following lines.
Reasons for patients’ desire to go for vaginal repair and beautification:
There are several reasons why females go for genital plastic surgery and vaginal repair. Most patients feel very shy when engaging in an emotional relationship with their partner. Weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic area and vagina may occur for the following reasons:
• Aging and low estrogen levels in the body.
• Repeated births.
These and other reasons are what women consider when choosing vaginoplasty.
What is the effect of vaginal widening on the marital relationship?
After childbirth, women may complain of vaginal widening resulting from stretching of the tissues and widening of the vaginal opening, which can contribute to sexual dysfunction. Therefore, the marital relationship after natural births may face changes due to vaginal widening, affecting the relationship negatively.
Symptoms associated with vaginal changes:
• Sagging due to the decrease in collagen secretion with age.
• Loss of elasticity of the vagina.
• Vaginal dryness causes severe pain during intimacy.
• Severe vaginal widening due to weak vaginal muscles after pregnancy and childbirth.
• Urinary incontinence, which means leakage of urine with laugh or exercise, due to difficulty controlling the bladder.
• Loss of marital happiness due to the lack of satisfaction for both partners as a result of the relaxation of the vaginal muscles and thus its widening.
What safety measures should be followed before a vaginoplasty or repair?
The patient goes through several assessments and examinations to get ready for the surgery. These tests could consist of:
• A physical assessment to determine overall health and knowledge of medical history.
• Inform the patient about the steps of the surgery and the requirements of post-surgical care.
• Follow the recommendations that reduce the incidence of complications, the most important of which is to quit smoking, as smoking delays recovery.
• Avoid taking aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs a week before the surgery. It is preferable to rely on paracetamol if the pain reliever is necessary for specific circumstances.
• Comprehensive examinations to rule out the gynecological diseases that prevent vaginal repair and beautification.
• Ensure that pregnancy is not planned in the near term.
• Conduct comprehensive blood tests and an electrocardiogram (ECG) to decide if local or general anaesthesia could be used during the procedure.
What happens during plastic surgery and repair of the vagina for women after childbirth?
There are several techniques capable of permanently repairing and beautifying the vagina. Dr. Ahmed Marzouk chooses the most suitable one for you, tailored to your health and requirements. The process of vaginoplasty and repair includes achieving the following goals:
• Removal of excess skin and excess tissue.
• The use of stitches to partially strengthen the soft tissues.
• Reducing the size of the vaginal opening.
• Narrowing the vaginal area.
• Tighten the muscles and treat the existing sagging.
• Restoration of aesthetic appearance.
Vaginoplasty procedure:
Vaginoplasty brings the separate muscles together. Once the amount of needed tightening is determined, Dr. Ahmed Marzouk places a mark on a circular shape to mark the excess skin to be removed from inside the vagina. Then Dr. Ahmed Marzouk removes the excess skin from the back side of the vagina. Once the vaginal canal is tightened, the skin is sutured. Also, it is possible to remove the prominent outer skin, if any, to obtain a more attractive appearance.
What forms of anaesthesia are appropriate for vaginoplasty and repair?
Although local anaesthetics can be used for vaginoplasty and repair procedures, many people prefer general anaesthesia. As a result, the decision depends on the treatment strategy established with Dr. Ahmed Marzouk during the preparatory steps for the surgery.
What are the advantages of surgical vaginoplasty and repair?
There are many functional benefits when choosing vaginal plastic surgery and repair, which the patient feels from the first minute after the surgical procedure. The most important of these benefits are the following:
• Ending the problem of urinary incontinence.
• Strengthening the vaginal muscles.
• Getting rid of sagging.
• Improving sexual satisfaction and orgasm, thereby stabilizing the marital relationship.
What happens after vaginoplasty and repair surgery?
These surgical interventions are painless and do not cause any burning sensation.
The female genital area is very sensitive and generally requires proper care. Therefore, when performing surgery such as vaginal plastic surgery and repair, there are some post-surgical instructions that you should be aware of before the surgery, which Dr. Ahmed Marzouk is keen to clarify and simplify for the patient.
• The patient may first feel uncomfortable; so she may need one paracetamol tablet the first night.
• The prescribed antibiotics should be taken to protect against infection.
• Avoid taking prolonged showers.
• The vagina should be washed with water and a chemical-free medical lotion to prevent infection and ensure its drying.
• Avoid strenuous physical activities until consulting the doctor.
• She had to minimize her effort and refrain from carrying heavy objects because an early return to activities can put pressure on the wound and unnecessarily delay the healing process.
• It is advised to wear soft cotton underpants.
• Avoid wearing tight clothing because it will irritate the wound.
• No sexual intercourse until consulting the doctor.
What are the risks of vaginoplasty and repair?
Vaginoplasty does not involve risks when choosing the best doctor, Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, consultant in obstetrics and gynecology. Vaginoplasty may result in infection, bleeding, and pain that can be easily avoided by following Dr. Ahmed Marzouk’s advice, as we mentioned later.
Are there other treatments for vaginal widening other than as an alternative to surgery?
The alternative is non-surgical vaginal tightening by heating the tissue using laser waves and others. However, these treatments are ineffective in all cases and have not yet been proven safe. Patients with severe laxity may not benefit from these treatments and may become better candidates for surgical narrowing.
Now you can rejuvenate your vagina!!
You can turn back time and restore your youthful appearance after childbirth or old age, in 30 minutes, with Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, the best gynecologist and obstetrician in Egypt. Dr. Ahmed Marzouk understands the medical, psychological, and emotional factors, that influence your decision to perform plastic surgery and vaginal repair.