Painless caesarean section

A cesarean section involves making incisions in the mother's uterus and abdominal wall to deliver the child and avoid complications during labour for women at medical risk. In urgent situations, the caesarean section can also save lives. “Can I give birth to my child without feeling any pain?” It is a question that every pregnant woman considers.
And the answer is “Yes”, thanks to Dr. Ahmed Marzouk ’s renowned technique; turning a cesarean section into the most memorable ond enjoyable day for every mother. A technique; he applied on 10.000+ moms from all over the world.
And here is a testimonial from one of Dr. Ahmed’s patients, just 5 hours post the procedure of painless C-Section:
Why there is a need for a caesarean delivery?
1. Elective caesarean section:
We perform a Cesarean Section if we consider a normal birth to be risky. We schedule a Cesarean delivery in the following cases:
• The baby's position in the womb may be transverse (side) or breech (with the feet or butt toward the delivery canal).
• The child suffers from certain birth defects.
• Placenta complications, such as the placenta previa or placenta accreta.
• The woman has a health concern that might make a natural birth dangerous for her or the fetus, such as HIV infection or genital herpes.
• A few instances of multiple pregnancies.
• The mother's prior surgeries in uterus or C-sections.
2- Emergency caesarean section:
The following situations may necessitate an emergency Cesarean-Section:
• The end of regular labour and the failure of uterine contraction-inducing medications.
• The placenta detaches from the uterine wall.
• Encircling the umbilical cord; this could impact the infant's oxygen supply or the umbilical cord's ability to enter the birth canal before the baby, which is called umbilical cord prolapse and requires immediate intervention to save the baby.
• A sudden variation in the baby's heart rate varies due to inadequate oxygen intake.
• An enlarged fetus's head or body.
What makes Dr. Ahmed Marzouk’s technique stand out in Egypt and the Middle East?
Dr. Ahmed Marzouk adopted the technique used for major surgeries abroad and applied it to the Cesarean Section.
An experience, we can confidently admit, that only our team can deliver in Egypt and the Middle East.
The abdominal wall is anesthetized using the QL Block technique, the latest technique Dr. Ahmed Marzouk developed for a totally pain-free procedure.
Even reducing the visceral pain that was common with the TAP Block technique; while maintaining the highest quality standards of safety for the mother and the baby.
You can hold your newborn and enjoy the first moments of motherhood pain and stress free.
We care about your experience; from every single aspect:
Dr. Ahmed Marzouk; is the first doctor in Egypt and the Middle East to encourage that the father can enter the operations room and witness the childbirth; it’s healthy for the mother as an extra psychological support.
We ensure safety and hygiene precautions as he wears a medical mask and sterile gown.
In this video, you can listen to Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, Consultant of Obstetrics & Gynecology addressing all concerns and explaining his renowned technique of pain free Cesarean Section… tested and implemented on 10,000+ cases with very satisfactory results and ZERO side effects; enabling them to go back to their normal life right after the surgery.
How is the pain-free recovery period following a painless Cesarean Section different from others?
After a Cesarean delivery, you need frequent and early walking to help relieve pain and discomfort. Additionally, it keeps bowel movements regular and prevents blood clots. However, it’s the most difficult thing you can ask a woman to do during this critical time.
If you decide to undergo a painless Cesarean Section with Dr. Ahmed Marzouk, you won't experience any pain and you will be able to walk freely up and down stairs; 4 hours after the surgery or even earlier. The first time you stand up will feel just like normal, as if you didn’t undergo a surgery minutes earlier.
How does the sensation of pain vary with our technique of painless Cesarean- Section?
Spinal anesthesia is typically injected during a Cesarean Section so that the patient is not in pain during labour, but once the anesthetic's effects have gone off, the pain returns by itself. The mother is unable to move or sit due to the localized pain, particularly in her abdomen.
However, the painless Cesarean Section allows the mother to move, sit and even go down and up the stairs naturally after 4 hours, and the absence of pain continues for more than 36 hours after labor, which is known to be the most difficult period of wound healing. Once we passed this period, the mother wouldn’t need even painkillers.
This difference in feeling pain between Painless C-sections and other deliveries is due to a distinct step, which is the step of anesthesia of the abdominal wall. It depends on the anesthesia of the nerve supplying the area nourishing the wound, thus stopping the pain signals to the brain. The anesthesiologist performs this step during the surgery with the surgeon's support using a particular surgical approach.
(Ql Block) technique is the latest, we use, to close internal pain receptors by injecting a substance into the abdominal muscles. These doses begin to release after labor, and their pain free duration extends for longer periods after childbirth, making them the most effective and long-lasting pain relief method.
In this video, you can see one of Dr. Ahmed Marzouk’s patients going upstairs, few hours after the surgery, and explaining details of her experience with painless C-Section.